Sergei Bakeshin commented for Novy Prospect DIA’s personal bankruptcy initiative for the former top manager of Inkasbank

Sergei Bakeshin - Counsel

The Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) has filed an application to declare bankrupt Lyudmila Samorukova, former chairman of the board of directors of Inkasbank OJSC, which was part of Eastern European Finance Corporation (EEFC) of Alexander Gitelson.

It should be recalled that Lyudmila Samorukova had already been brought to subsidiary liability in the amount of 190 million rubles as part of the bankruptcy case of Inkasbank in 2018. At the same time, Sergey Bakeshin, Head of Dispute Resolution and Insolvency Practice at Maxima Legal, explained to the online edition Novy Prospect, “the amounts of the subsidiary liability were initially recovered in favour of Inkasbank, and the bank then transferred these claims to DIA and the Federal Tax Service as a compensation”.

“Since the bankruptcy of Inkasbank began a very long time ago, Ms. Samorukova is unlikely to find property sufficient to satisfy her creditors’ claims. Maybe some of her deals will be challenged. Maybe the only home will be seized if it is “luxury”, especially since the Constitutional and Supreme Courts have recently allowed this to happen on condition that the debtor is given a reasonably enough home in exchange. Eventually, Samorukova’s bankruptcy will be finalised and she will not be released from further execution of creditors’ claims, as they are subsidiary liability claims”, the expert concluded.

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