Dmitry Uryakin has assessed for the Vot Tak TV the possibility of litigation lending in Russia
The Federation Council of Russia is studying a draft law which proposes to introduce litigation lending in the country. It is expected that banks or other investors would finance litigation and then, together with the plaintiff, receive a portion of the recovered sum from the losing party. Dmitry Uryakin, an associate at Maxima Legal, told the…
Dmitry Uryakin has commented to the Novy Prospect on a bankruptcy dispute in connection with the non-payment of 5.5 billion rubles on a loan
Bank Saint Petersburg initiated bankruptcy proceedings against Talion company (an asset of billionaire Alexander Yebralidze), which had acted as a guarantor of its subsidiary in connection with a 5.5 billion rubles loan. Companies own a complex of buildings in the historical center of St Petersburg, including Taleon Imperial Hotel building, putted…
Dmitry Uryakin has commented to the Kommersant on a dispute about a candidate for Intertorg`s bankruptcy manager
The Commercial Court of St Petersburg and Leningrad Region reconfirmed Sergei Bezrukikh as a Intertorg`s bankruptcy manager. Previously a number of creditors (including affiliated with Sberbank company) had insisted on the affiliation between the bankruptcy manager, a creditor who proposed Mr Bezrukikh and the debtor. Dmitry Uryakin, associate at…
Dmitry Uryakin has commented for the DP on the disputes of the St. Petersburg billionaire's companies with VEB.RF state corporation for a total amount of almost 24 billion rubles
The Commercial Court of the Moscow District upheld the decision of previous court instances to recover 16.2 million euros and 2.096 billion rubles from JSC Talion and Lesosyrovoye Obozrenie (LSO) LLC. The companies were the guarantors of Sovremennye Tekhnologii Trebstva (STOD) LLC for the loans of 178.894 million euros and 5.271 billion rubles…