Kommersant and Forbes quoted Anastasia Samusenko’s suggestion about the impact of the developer’s dispute with the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office on the deal with one of Raven Russia’s assets

Anastasia Samusenko - Senior Associate

Raven Russia, the UK-based warehouse developer, whose assets have been placed under interim measures at the suit of the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office, has sold its business centre in St Petersburg. The buyer was the structure of Elena Nekrasova, the wife of Alexander Nekrasov, a member of the Federation Council, who also owns several structures of  Leader Group housing developer.

Raven Russia is one of the major owners of logoparks in Russia. The company was founded in 2005 by British businessmen, but in 2022 the Russian business was taken over by local management.

In the summer of 2024, the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office went to court, believing that Raven Russia had acquired Russian assets in circumvention of existing restrictions and then legalised them through a series of sham transactions. According to the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office’s version, the developer managed to ‘monopolise a strategic type of activity in the provision of services in transport terminals’. As part of the case, the court imposed interim measures on the company’s assets. Raven Russia called them excessive, pointing out that the owners of warehouses cannot be considered natural monopolies.

As Anastasia Samusenko, Senior Associate at Maxima Legal, suggested in a comment for Kommersant newspaper, the lawsuit filed by the Prosecutor General’s Office and the arrest did not affect the transaction with the business centre, so the court’s decision on the proceedings is unlikely to affect it. Otherwise, the registration authority would refuse to register the transfer of rights.

It should be noted that Anastasia’s comment was also quoted in Forbes`s article.

To read the full article (in Russian), please see Kommersant`s website >>>
To read the full article (in Russian), please see Forbes`s website >>>