Maxim Ali on the opportunities for AI in the legal sector

Maxim Ali - Partner

Head of the IP/IT Practice at Maxima Legal, Maxim Ali has given an assessment for the specialist website on the prospects for artificial intelligence in the legal sector.

According to Maxim, the automating of legal processes will not become a substitute for a lawyer but rather a useful instrument to deal with standardised matters.  “Already there are services which allow for the quick drafting of contracts, organise tasks, collect information about an opponent and control numerous deadlines for filing documents, appealing against judicial acts and so on. If artificial intelligence learns to generate draft standard answers to legal questions on the basis of similar requests or open data, then such functionality may well be in demand in the market,” Maxim explains.

Preventing AI from solving more complex problems, Maxim Ali identified three main obstacles. First, the level of technology development is still not sufficient; the abilities of AI today does not allow it to replace a lawyer in professional communication with a client or work out a legal solution in a situation where there is not one right answer but a number of options since it needs to be able to assess risks and take into account the characteristics of a client’s business. Secondly, the legal restrictions that prevent, for example, the use of a robot in a lawsuit also hinder the technology. And thirdly, clients may have concerns about the confidentiality of data provided to AI.

“We will see future legal tech in the arsenal at the disposal of lawyers, which obviously will impact on the effectiveness of lawyers’ work and may reduce the number of lawyers required to perform certain tasks”, summarised Maxim.

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