Maxima Legal has launched Ecology Law Practice led by Kirill Katkov

Kirill Katkov — associate

Maxima Legal has expanded the line of services provided to corporate clients. Starting from June 2024, the firm started providing legal services in the field of environmental protection, united in the practice of Ecology Law.

The new practice includes a full range of legal support on environmental issues, including counselling on environmental legislation and support of control and supervisory activities. However, the strongest aspect of Eсology Law practice is litigation. Thus, among the services in the area of judicial defence is representation of interests in cases of violation of environmental legislation and negative environmental impact, as well as assistance in challenging regulatory legal acts and support of out-of-court and forensic environmental due diligence.

Comprehensive expertise on environmental law issues is provided by Kirill Katkov, Associate at Maxima Legal. The expert graduated with a bachelor’s, master’s and post-graduate degree from the Law Faculty of St Petersburg State University and, prior to joining the firm, spent several years as a senior lawyer in a law firm, where he gained extensive experience in settling environmental disputes, supporting inspections by supervisory authorities, and advising on environmental legislation.

“The ever-increasing attention to environmental issues promotes intensive development and fair tightening of legal regulation of this sphere. Unfortunately, however, the downside of these processes is often lacunas and contradictions, heterogeneous judicial practice, as well as “overreaching” in favour of public expectations. And we are glad that with the strengthening of our team we can fully help our clients, primarily industrial companies, to cope with such situations and defend their legitimate interests,” said Maxim Avrashkov, Managing Partner at Maxima Legal.

“The number of disputes related to violation of environmental legislation has been steadily growing recently. At the same time, the amount of property claims brought by state authorities against enterprises can run into billions of roubles. Our team is ready to help nature users to develop and implement the right strategy to defend themselves against unjustified claims of the regulatory authority,” Kirill Katkov commented on the launch of Ecology Law practice.