Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper recommended 12 Maxima Legal lawyers in 12 areas of legal support

For the second time, Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper conducted a large-scale survey of the Russian legal market and compiled its own ‘Rating of Lawyers and Their Companies’. According to the newspaper, ‘getting into the rating is the result of recognition of the quality of work and reputation of a particular specialist’: more than 2,000 applications…

Elizaveta Pastushenko told BCS Express what is important to know when transferring a business by inheritance

Elizaveta Pastushenko, Senior Associate of Private Wealth practice at Maxima Legal, has told BCS Express what is important to know when inheriting a business in the form of JSC, LLC and sole proprietorship, as well as what to pay attention to in case the successors are not interested in entrepreneurial activity and in case of the business…

Elizaveta Pastushenko discussed with BCS Express the difficulties in the process of accepting inheritance, as well as the specifics of inheriting various personal assets

Elizaveta Pastushenko, Senior Associate of Private Wealth Practice at Maxima Legal, explained specially for BCS Express what difficulties relatives or partners may face in the process of inheritance acceptance, and also the expert told about the peculiarities of inheritance of cash, securities, liabilities, luxury goods and collections, as well as…

Elizaveta Pastushenko told Vecherniy Petersburg about the nuances of scheduled passport renewal

Despite the active development of digitalisation in Russia, the scheduled renewal of a passport at the age of 20 and 45 still requires compliance with a number of procedures and personal attendance at the competent authorities. Elizaveta Pastushenko, Senior Associate of Private Wealth practice at Maxima Legal, told Vecherniy Petersburg newspaper…

Elizaveta Pastushenko assessed for what position the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation may take in a dispute over the lawfulness of entering into a gift agreement on the basis of a general power of attorney

This week the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation will review a dispute in which the defendant has deprived heirs of real estate on the basis of a general power of attorney. The power of attorney was issued while the principal was still alive and was later used by the trustee to enter into a gift agreement. The state registration of the gifted…

Elizaveta Pastushenko was recognised by the second city-wide Rating of Lawyers of Vecherniy Saint-Petersburg newspaper

Elizaveta Pastushenko, a Senior Associate of Private Wealth practice at Maxima Legal, won second place in the Best Young Lawyer category of the second the second city-wide Rating of Lawyers of Vecherniy Saint-Petersburg newspaper. The jury highly appreciated the case in which the expert defended the interests of a client who lost a large sum of…

Elizaveta Pastushenko told Legal Information Agency about the peculiarities of business inheritance for individual entrepreneurs

Elizaveta Pastushenko, a Senior Associate of Private Wealth practice at Maxima Legal, told the Legal Information Agency whether labour and other contracts concluded by an individual entrepreneur are valid after his death and how such business is inherited. "State registration of a citizen as an individual entrepreneur automatically terminates in…

Elizaveta Pastushenko told BCS Investment how to lend money correctly

Specially for the ИСЫ Investment, Elizaveta Pastushenko, Senior Associate of the Private Wealth practice at Maxima Legal, explained how it is legally correct to lend money and what steps to take to increase the guarantees of loan repayment. "Regardless of the amount of the loan, the key rule is a written record of all agreements and the fact of…

Elizaveta Pastushenko has commented to on the position of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on the use by banks of a foreign passport to identify a citizen

In a dispute that reached the Supreme Court, a bank refused to allow a representative of a current client to open a new account due to the provision of a certified copy of a foreign passport rather than a general civil passport. ThSupreme Court of the Russian Federation  emphasised that the lower courts should have established the law that…

Elizaveta Pastushenko has assessed for changing the law establishing the procedure for leaving and entering Russia

The State Duma has approved an amendment to the Federal Law "On the procedure for exit from and entry into the Russian Federation". The document introduces 15 causes to invalidate a foreign, diplomatic or service passport. One of the amendments` purposes is to transfer reliable information about stolen and lost passports to other countries.…